Recently, Animal Planet released an intriguing two part
documentary entitled “Mermaid: The Body Found". The new documentary sought out
to try to explain the theory that Mythical Sea Creatures may in fact be Aquatic Apes.
The legend of mermaids has been around since before the Romans
ruled the earth and many questions are still unanswerable. Although there has
never been a confirmed mermaid sighting, documentary maker Charlie Foley finds
it extremely fascinating that these mythical creatures have been talked about
for thousands of years and are incorporated in the writings of several
Foley believes that any person who claims to have seen a mermaid
most likely had mistaken what they thought they saw with a manatee or dugongs.
Although many may think the show is all nonsense, Foley claims that research
has come up with the Aquatic Ape Theory. The theory suggests that during a time
of massive coastal flooding, some ancestors moved inland and others went into
the ocean for food. Further, Foley says there are some cases of animals going
from terrestrial to aquatic.
What are your thoughts about the Documentary? Did you watch? Let
us know what you think on All Pet’s Facebook page linked here!
Humans didn’t descend from aquatic apes, of course, although our ancestors were too slow & heavy for regular running over open plains as some anthropologists still believe. Instead, Pleistocene Homo populations simply followed the coasts & rivers in Africa & Eurasia (800,000 years ago, they even reached Flores more than 18 km overseas), google “econiche Homo”.
ReplyDelete–eBook “Was Man more aquatic in the past?” introd.Phillip Tobias
–guest post at Greg Laden’s blog