Monday, May 21, 2012

Species with Larger Eyes Typically Have Higher Visual Activity...


It is presumed that species with larger eyes typically have higher visual activity. Mammals such as cheetahs or horses are guaranteed to have larger eyes that give them better vision to avoid collisions with obstacles in their environment when they are moving at a rapid pace. 

What are some of the ecological factors that cause mammal’s eye size to differ? It was once thought that the time of day that the mammal is active, whether nocturnal or diurnal, would be a main factor in the evolution of eye size. Conversely, research found that the anatomy of the eye has shown that although nocturnal and diurnal species differ in eye shape, they have similar eye sizes. Nocturnal species appear to have bigger eyes because more of the cornea is exposed to let in the maximum amount of light.

Amongst mammals,body mass plus maximum running speed can account for 89% of the variation in eye size. Researchers also add that body size is always going to influence eye size.

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