Thursday, July 19, 2012

Exotic Pets Allowed on...Flights!?



The Department of Transportation has recently released new guidelines that will allow those individuals who are disabled to be accompanied by their pets when traveling on commercial planes, if it provides them with extra emotional support.   

The service-animals will be allowed to accompany the passenger but first, they must fit into the criteria required by the airport staff.  The staff should ask how the animal aids the passenger and what training it has received.  They may also ask questions in regard to some verification of the disability and the animals training.  

The animal must not obstruct the aisle or put any other passenger in danger and must be behaving properly in a public setting. The owner must also provide a “relief area” for their pet.   

A few exceptions to this rule are ferrets, rodents, spiders and snakes. The rest of the regulations are outlined thoroughly in the DOT’s Draft Technical Assistance Manual! 

What are your thoughts on this topic? Let us know on our Facebook page linked HERE

1 comment:

  1. He who travels much has this advantage over others – that the things he remembers soon become remote, so that in a short time they acquire the vague and poetical quality which is only given to other things by time. He who has not traveled at all has this disadvantage – that all his memories are of things present somewhere, since the places with which all his memories are concerned are present.
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