Thursday, September 20, 2012

Birds Benefit from Varied Diets!



Oddly enough parrots require the same diet fundamentals as humans in order to be healthy.  If you have a bird as a pet, it is crucial to supply them with a variation of different foods that contain the proper nutritional necessities through amino acids, carbs and fats.  

All of these necessities cannot be fulfilled by one food so the key is variation in the diet. Parrots and most birds have a fast metabolism, and consume high-energy food to meet their high calorie needs.  If your bird flies and is active at home, its diet should reflect that.  Depending on the species of the bird its diet should reflect that of its native habitat from which it has evolved.  

Most parrots eat a combination of seeds, fruits, grains, nuts, invertebrates and insects in the wild.  It might be hard to come across all of these elements, but you can purchase pellets, which are hardened mixtures of grains, seeds, vegetables and proteins as well as vitamins and minerals.  Most manufacturers provide different formulations for different species so they are getting exactly what they need.  Birds naturally spend most of their day foraging so a good way to keep them active is putting seeds and nuts in a foraging toy or bending a paper towel roll and filling it with seeds, to give the bird something to work for.  

Avocado is one food that you want to avoid feeding a bird, it can be toxic.  You also want to avoid chocolate, junk food, alcohol, onions and foods high in salt.  Birds are sophisticated animals with sophisticated diets.  Remember to always have a variation in the food you give your bird and allow them to be active and get a little exercise.  

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