Friday, June 29, 2012

New Safety Proposal For Pets On Flights!



The Transportation Department wants to make a change! The department wants to expand the reporting of incidents when pets are lost, injured or killed on an airline flight. Presently, only the 15 largest airlines report when animals are involved in an accident.

With a new rule that may be put into action, all airlines with a 60 seat plane would have to begin reporting all incidents that pets are involved in. This would be about 36 airlines!

Many pet lovers are pushing for this rule in hopes that it would help all animals to be transported safely.

What do you think about this new rule? Would you be in support of it? Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page linked HERE

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Safety Tips To Remember For Your Pet This July 4th!



With Independence Day quickly approaching, you’re probably trying to finalize your plan for the big summer holiday. But if you’re considering attending fireworks, it’s probably best you leave your pets at home!

Here are a couple of safety tips to remember this 4th of July to keep your pets safe, courtesy of the American Society for thePrevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

-Keep alcohol out of reach
-Read your sunscreen and inspect labels
-Put your lighter fluid away
-Don’t feed your pets anything unusual
-Glow sticks are for the kids, not your pets
-Pets are fireworks are not a good combination (They’re harmful, even if unused)

We hope that you enjoy your holiday and do your best to keep your pets safe! Let us know if you have any other tips on our Facebook page linked HERE

Monday, June 25, 2012

Have You Ever Considered Declawing Your Cat?



Is your cat declawed? If not, have you thought about getting your cat declawed? If so, there are many factors you should consider before doing so.

Onychectomy is a very common procedure performed on many household cats. This procedure involves removing a cat’s claw from within their toe and preventing it from ever growing back. It is believed that one-fourth of household cats have had this procedure and are declawed.

Some of the reasons why people have their cats declawed is because they can’t ruin expensive furniture, they can’t scratch their owners or other cats, they have the option of retaining their back claws to assist in jumping and you don’t have to worry about clipping their nails when they get long.

However, there is a downside to the procedure. Cats use their toes to walk, and when declawed, you are removing the cats last toe bone and this can affect their balance. Also, infections are easy to come by after the procedure and many cats experience a lot of pain.

So the question is, is it worth the risk or not? Let us know your thoughts about declawing on our Facebook page linked HERE

Friday, June 22, 2012

Blue-Green Algae Hits The Charles River.. Keep Pets Away!



Earlier this week, a type of algae that can cause skin rash, eye irritation, and gastrointestinal problems has bloomed in part of the Charles River in the area of the Longfellow Bridge. The type of algae is cyanobacteria or blue-green algae.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health issued an advisory recommending people and pets to avoid all contact with the water if it appears to be bright green or contains green strands.

This specific type of algae has been found in the Charles River before, however, large quantities of it can cause various health problems for humans and animals because of some toxins the dying algae secretes.

Take precaution and keep you and your pets safe! Do you know anyone or any pet who has had a health issue because of algae before? Let us know on our Facebook page linked HERE

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To Keep Your Pets Safe on July 4th!



The veterinary and toxicology experts at the Pet Poison Hotline are offering pet owners tips for a safe 4th of July!

You may have noticed on July 4th, whenever fireworks go off, pets can become extremely fearful. Fireworks are the biggest issue for pets!  The extremely loud noises they make create fear for pets. It is best to keep your pets as far away from the activity as possible.

If your pet has an extreme phobia to loud noises, veterinarians can prescribe anti-anxiety drugs or sedatives for the more severe cases. Also, be sure to let other homeowners around you if you plan on setting off fireworks so they can plan to reduce the stress and anxiety it may cause their pets. Unused fireworks are very dangerous as well. Fireworks contain hazardous chemicals which if consumed by pets it could be harmful to red blood cells, kidneys, potassium levels and can cause heavy metal poisoning!

How do you keep your pets safe and happy on July 4th? Let us know on our Facebook page linked HERE

Monday, June 18, 2012

FAQ's about Hiking or Camping With Pets!



With summer in full bloom, many pet owners want to get outside and enjoy the sunshine with their canine companions! One of the many activities pet lovers like to do with their pets is hiking and camping!  

Here are a couple of answers to some frequently asked questions by Trainer Stormi King Parish, who teaches at University Canine Learning Academy in Seattle!

Question: In conjunction with first-aid knowledge, what obvious and not-so-obvious precautions should dog owners take when hiking and/or camping with their pet?
Answer: Be aware of the rules involving pets at the campsite or on the trail and follow them. Always keep your dog on a leash or a long line. Even the most well-trained and mellow dog can wander off or be unable to resist the urge to chase a small running rodent, and there's nothing more frightening than losing your dog in an unfamiliar environment. Always have multiple forms of identification on your dog, including tags with your address and phone number attached to the dog's collar or harness. Make sure your dog is microchipped.

Question: Should any special gear be considered?
Answer: Equipment failure can and does happen, and when you're in the middle of the woods having a back-up plan can be a lifesaver. Always have a back-up flat collar and leash with you. If your dog wears a harness, have a caribeaner connecting the harness to the dog's collar for safety's sake.

Question: What kind of training should a dog have before taken out for, say, a wilderness hike?
Answer: The most important skill you can teach your dog, be it in the city or out for a hike, is a solid emergency recall. Equipment failure happens to even the best and most responsible of owners, and having a well-trained emergency recall can literally save your dog's life. Leash manners, including a relaxed heel and a leave-it cue, will allow you to politely pass by other hikers in close quarters.

Question: What should my hiking or camping kit include?
Answer: At minimum one extra collar and one extra leash. Food and water for your dog, and double the amount that you expect to need. If your dog is on any medication, bring the amount you will need for your trip plus extra. A blanket, towel or bed for your dog to rest on. And, of course, your first-aid kit for both the humans and dogs on your trip.

Do you have any additional tips from a hike or camping trip with your pet? Let us know about your experience on our Facebook page linked HERE

Friday, June 15, 2012

Do You Travel With Your Cat? Read Here And Find Out Which Airlines Are Banning Cats!



Air Canada Jazz flights will not be accommodate guests with cats on board anymore after a government agency overseeing traveler complaints ruled last week. Reason being is there are too many passengers with severe cat allergies!

The decision of the Canadian Transportation Agency will be banning cats on its Dash 8-100/300 aircraft when a customer with cat allergies gives 48 hours’ notice before traveling.  The company was unsuccessful in the past in their first proposal of a “first come, first-served policy.” This policy read that if a person travelling with a pet cat already had a reservation on the flight, the customer with a cat allergy disability would be offered a spot on another flight.

On other aircrafts with airlines such as Air Canada Jazz,Air Canada and WestJet it is unnecessary to ban passengers with a cat allergy because larger aircrafts are equipped with air circulation and ventilation systems using high efficiency particulate air filters that provide 100 percent unrecirculated fresh air!

Do you have cat allergies? Have you ever had a problem on a flight with a pet allergy? Let us know on our Facebook page linked HERE!  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Would You Bring Your Pet To Work With You? Pets In The Workplace Is Now A Trend!



There seems to be a new trend surfacing in many work places and companies, pets in the workplace! More and more companies are letting pets join their owners or company employees on the job.  

Erin McCormack, a producer at Authentic Entertainment in Los Angeles brings her Maltese mix to work every day! McCormack believes that bringing your pets to work is a huge attraction and creates a productive atmosphere. As well as creating a productive work place, she also thinks that having your pets with you at work is a calming force.

According to an American Pet Products survey, about 1.4 million owners take some 2.3 million dogs to work every day! The company also reported that after surveying businesses, one in five was dog friendly. That number probably holds steady if you’re including work places such as one-person offices, work-at-home pet owners and retail shops. Some of the nation’s largest employers and work places are dog friendly, including Google Inc. and!

Is your workplace dog friendly? Have you ever brought your pets to work? Let us know on our Facebook page linked HERE!  

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Law Passed in New Jersey On Pets and Seat belts!



The Garden State has passed a new law penalizing drivers who are caught with an unrestrained pet in their vehicle, facing fines up to $1,000 and even jail time!

New Jersey is looking at traveling with your pet unrestrained in a moving vehicle as animal cruelty.

Canine seat-belts available for installation in vehicles as well as pet car seats, all depending on the size of your pet. 

A canine seat-belt would be the most effective for a larger dog. Smaller pets would benefit from a car seat or carrier.

What do you think about this new law? Do you travel with your pets often? Let us know your thoughts on All Pet’s Facebook page linked HERE

Friday, June 8, 2012

Steps For An Effective Missing Pet Sign!



Have you ever lost a pet before? Did you put up posters around your neighborhood in effort to help find your pet? Here are six tips fora more effective missing pet sign!

  1.  Photo Selection – Make sure the photo you choose places much emphasis on your pet’s face. Often times, a picture of the full body can be hard to make out and a photo of the face alone will stick out a lot more.
  2. Text Selection – Be sure to pick a font that allows for bold letters that are easy to read from far away. Also, try not to write just “LOST DOG” or “LOST PET”, write the type of breed of dog that is missing to grab an onlooker’s attention.
  3.     Sign Location - Most people tend to post missing pet fliers on streetlights or telephone poles. It may be more effective to make fliers on poster boards so they are larger and place them near a sidewalk or intersection.
  4.  Number of Copies – The more copies, the better! Printing 150-200 copies is a good number. You will have plenty to post around town as well as handing out to individuals if you are looking for your pet by foot.
  5. Preparedness – Time is extremely crucial when a pet goes missing. The minute you realize your pet is gone you need to be prepared to find them. Have a missing pet kid ready to go at your convenience. Create a flier and update it each year with a new photo in case your pet ever goes missing, this way you don’t waste any time when you realize they’re gone.
  6. Hope – Don’t lose hope. Put your best effort forth in trying to look for your pet, and chances are they will return home!

Did you ever lose a pet? Did they come home? Let us know on All Pet’s Facebook page linked HERE

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New YouTube Channel Is A Hit!



“Growing Up Wild” seems to be a huge new YouTube hit! The show is a new YouTube series on a channel called The Pet Collective. The stars of the new series are Bindi Irwin (age 13) and Robert Irwin (age 8). They are the children of former animal adventurer Steve Irwin.
Bindi Irwin: Australia Zoo Hospital Charity Event
FermantleMedia, the company behind the show is trying hard to expand their new YouTube channel. Their pet loving channel and “Growing Up Wild” debuted on May 31st. The channel debuted a couple of other shows during the week including “The Litter” narrated by Khloe Kardashian, “The Unadoptables” and “Master & Pet.”

Each week, a new 5-minute episode of each show will air. Each series will have a total of 10 episodes and they will be in rotation for one year. Fermantle plans to have 20 hours of YouTube programming by the end of the summer.

Both of the Irwin children are very involved in their work and extremely passionate about animals. They frequently talk about their father, Steve Irwin, who passed away in 2006 after being hit in the chest by a stingray’s barb. 

Will you watch the new YouTube channel? Let us know on All Pet's Facebook page linked here

Monday, June 4, 2012

Safety Tips For Your Pet This Summer



With summer in full swing, it is easy to assume that you’ll be spending a lot of time enjoying the sunshine with your pets! However, there are a couple of outdoor dangers that your pets may encounter.

petMD has put together a list of the top 5 safety tips for your pets this summer to ensure you and your pets enjoy the summertime and sunshine safely! They are as follows:
  1. Apply sunscreen. Like their owners, dogs and cats can become easily burned by the sun if they are outside for more than a few minutes, especially if they have light skin and a short or thin coat. Applying fragrance free, non-staining, UVA and UVB barrier sunscreen or a special sunscreen made for pets can help prevent pets from being burned.
  2. Provide plenty of water and shade. Pets enjoy the warm weather as much as humans and may become dehydrated after extended play outside. Providing plenty of fresh water to your pets, as well as encouraging them to play or take a break in the shade, can help prevent the consequences of having a dehydrated dog or cat.
  3. Don’t leave pets in the car. Just as with children, leaving a pet in the car for even a few minutes can cause it to have heat stroke. Even on a 70-degree day, a car in direct sunlight can heat up to 100 degrees within minutes.
  4. Be wary of where pets roam. Many people use fertilizers and pesticides on their lawns in the summertime, which can be poisonous to cats and dogs. When clients walk their pets, they should avoid grassy areas that have been treated or find a safe spot, like a dog park.
  5. Avoid antifreeze. Antifreeze is poisonous to dogs and cats, yet many pets are attracted to its scent and taste. When walking dogs, clients should be alert to any spills, leaks, or containers of antifreeze that pets can accidentally ingest.
Do you have any additional tips that you incorporate for your pets in the summer? Let us know on All Pet's Facebook page linked here!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mermaid's: Explaining the Aquatic Ape Theory


Recently, Animal Planet released an intriguing two part documentary entitled “Mermaid: The Body Found". The new documentary sought out to try to explain the theory that Mythical Sea Creatures may in fact be Aquatic Apes.

The legend of mermaids has been around since before the Romans ruled the earth and many questions are still unanswerable. Although there has never been a confirmed mermaid sighting, documentary maker Charlie Foley finds it extremely fascinating that these mythical creatures have been talked about for thousands of years and are incorporated in the writings of several cultures.

Foley believes that any person who claims to have seen a mermaid most likely had mistaken what they thought they saw with a manatee or dugongs. Although many may think the show is all nonsense, Foley claims that research has come up with the Aquatic Ape Theory. The theory suggests that during a time of massive coastal flooding, some ancestors moved inland and others went into the ocean for food. Further, Foley says there are some cases of animals going from terrestrial to aquatic.

What are your thoughts about the Documentary? Did you watch? Let us know what you think on All Pet’s Facebook page linked here!