Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Does Your Pet Have a 2013 New Year’s Resolution?


As we say goodbye to 2012 and welcome the New Year it’s the time for the traditional New Year’s Resolutions!  Each January, many of us start our journey for self-improvements, exercise and organization wishes. But what about pets? Do you have New Year’s Resolution for them? 

Below is a list compiled for you and your pet to work on this year.

Take your Pets to the Veterinarian on a regular basis.  It’s best to keep up with regular visits to the veterinary.  Dogs younger than 7 require a visit once a year and older than 7 it’s best two visit a year.  By visiting a veterinarian often hopefully they will catch changes in your pet’s health early on and prevent potential conditions from getting worse.

Examine their diets to keep them happy and healthy.  If your pet has chronic conditions such as overweight, skin, eye or ear issues a change in diet may improve their health.  On your visit to your vet, ask their opinion on the best dietary methods for your pet.  They should be able to give you a general direction on the best practices for your pet.

Weight loss will improve the overall health of your pet.  Obesity isn't just in humans; it also can happen to your furry friends.  Reducing the weight of pets can have a lasting effect on the overall health of your pet, and actually length their life.  Again, ask your veterinarian on different ideas for losing weight.  Together you will develop a plan that best fits you, your pet, and your lifestyle. 

These are some simple ways to improve your pet’s health for a great 2013.  Remember, New Year’s Resolutions aren’t just for humans!  For more information and updates visit our Facebook page Linked HERE!  

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