Does your puppy or cat seem to be scratching more than
normal? Or have you noticed your pet with what seems to be a rash? Well, did
you know that your pets react to airborne allergens just as you do? It’s true.
The difference being, these allergies bring about inflamed and itchy skin that
could eventually become infected from constant scratching.
Luckily, you have some different options for your pet. Provided
by Unleashed,
some options include:
Antihistamines and
Fatty Acid Supplements – The two, work together to help bring down and
manage inflammations.
Steroids or Cortisone
Type Medicine – While highly effective in bringing temporary relief, they
are not good for long-term problems because of their significant side effects.
Medicated Baths –
A simple medicated shampooing can help to relieve the skin as well as clean and
calm your pet.
Immunotherapy or
Allergen Shots – Giving your pet regular shots may be an effective
technique, but requires bringing your pet multiple times to a veterinarian.
Speak with your veterinarian if you notice your pet with
allergy symptoms or excessive scratching. They can help you decide the best
route to take, for treating your loved one.
Be sure to visit out website for ALL of your pet needs! Also, visit our Facebook page, linked HERE!