Thursday, April 5, 2012

Some Tips to Help Your Pets Handle the Change of Seasons


Here are some tips for your pets to handle the change of seasons and transition into spring!
Have you taken your pet to the vet lately? Preventative veterinary care is extremely important to your pet’s health and can be cost saving for pet owners. Pets should go for two annual checkups to the vet so they are able to detect any issues early.
Winter weight gain is a huge issue for pets! There are a couple of reasons why pets tend to get flabby over those cold winter months. First, pets don’t exercise and get outside as often in the winter. Pets may be indulging in more in-between meal snacks. If your cat or small dog gains even two pounds, it may not sound like a significant amount but that is a 20% weight increase! About half of all pets are obese or overweight which leads to many health issues including diabetes and arthritis. To shape up your pets health this spring, ease your pet into some exercise.
It is important to protect your pet from fleas and ticks. With so many products to choose from, it’s often hard to decide. Try not to make any impulse purchases based on price or marketing because it may not benefit you or your pet in the long run. Consult your veterinarian for the product that is best suited for your type of pet.
Next, it’s time for the big shed! Giving your pet the “big shed” now requires more brushing and grooming. The more you brush your pets, the less you vacuum!
Lastly, enjoy your pets! Get out and about with your pets this spring and enrich your pets outdoor and indoor environment.

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